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参加館:アーティゾン美術館、上野の森美術館、太田記念美術館、国立科学博物館、国立新美術館、国立西洋美術館、SOMPO美術館、東京オペラシティ アートギャラリー、東京藝術大学大学美術館、東京国立近代美術館、東京国立博物館、東京都庭園美術館、東京都美術館、Bunkamuraザ・ミュージアム、WHAT MUSEUM、三井記念美術館、三菱一号館美術館、森美術館、山種美術館

山種美術館 公式Twitter(@yamatanemuseum)
山種美術館 公式Instagram(@yamatane_museum)

#tokyomuseums is now the social media handle for finding Tokyo museum news in one place.

It was instituted to make Tokyo museums' attractive points more widely known. The museums add #tokyomuseums to their posts on Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms so that if you use that hashtag in searching on social media, you'll get all sorts of information about the many museums in Tokyo.

On Culture Day, Thursady, November 3, we are calling for widespread participation by social media users, too. If you're a social media user and like an exhibit you saw at a museum, please share your response, with the #tokyomuseums hashtag. Let's work together to generate buzz about Tokyo's museums.

Participating museums (as of November 3, 2022)

Artizon Museum 
Mitsubishi Ichigokan Museum, Tokyo 
Mitsui Memorial Museum 
Mori Art Museum
National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo 
Ota Memorial Museum of Art 
Sompo Museum of Art  
The Bunkamura Museum of Art 
The National Art Center, Tokyo
The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo 
The National Museum of Western Art  
The Ueno Royal Museum
The University Art Museum, Tokyo University of the Arts
Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum 
Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum 
Tokyo National Museum
Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery 
Yamatane Museum of Art
(Proposed by the the Artizon Museum and the Yamatane Museum of Art)

山種美術館 Yamatane Museum of Art